Washington vs chicago where to go?

OMG, The America, most known country in the world, everyone wanted to go to the America and want's to look it and feel it, so what if you or I got a chance to go to America (USA)? Where we should go first and what to do and many known and unknown question comes in our mind.
One of my friend told me that the best States in the USA are Washington and the another one is Chicago.

If this question is kept on the front of American people, so what will be there opinion about these two states??

I got some interesting stuff from movoto on Washington and the best place to live
 Issaquah, it is the most known and the best place in washington that's it but I want to know more about Issaquah  from local person so that I come to know more..
What about Chicogo I have no idea. So if you have then notify me...